

Sponsorship is not without risks.

If you make a start you undertake a responsibility. We must consider our financial means first. If they are not enough for a longer time choose a shorter course of a computer  study or obtaining a  driving license , or choose a one year tourist guide study. University  or collage  degrees take a couple of years The longer the study the more secure it is for their future.

Lalibela school yard by George Kokas

Try to avoid  dropping the sponsorship once you started.. This is the worst thing for a student, I met some who were let down, they are really heart broken. At least you owe them an explanation.

At the start , young men and girls are modest and grateful. Later, some of them , develop an attitude to squeeze out more  giving different excuses. I think is is quite human. . You can always stick to
the original agreement and add an occasional bonus when you feel likeit.

Illness may come even to young people. It is not a joke in Ethiopia, you are left to die in the street if you can not pay the hospital. My friend saved the life of her student by paying 200 USD. His school
mate whose sponsor was not available at the moment died of the same kind of lung infection.
In such cases the families usually can' t help. It is better to keep contact with one of his/her school friends who alert you in emergency.

Sending money by bank is more expensive than Western Union or Money Gram although they also take about 10 %. It would be more economical to find a teacher or a priest who can collect and distribute this money. During the past 2 years I was unable to find one. We have to deal with each student individually.

school boy from Lalibela by George Kokas
 Communication is limited to e mail. Post is slow. Addresses are not existent even in cities, the person must have a post box. Mail will not deliver more than 2 kg parcels.  Mobile phones function but their English can hardly be understood. The student usually have access to e mails in shops, though not cheap, connection costs 1 USD for approx. 20 minutes.

It would be extremely useful for them (and us!!) to give them electronic camera and a laptop . But it can not be sent by mail because of the extreme customs charges. These instruments cost 300 %
more in Ethiopian shops than "here".

The lack of full control is disturbing many of those who would be willing to spend on the issue.
In this we just take the risk. I have not heard about any student who spent this money on drugs instead of going to school. The teachers may inform you if you ask. But then again, who knows if
it was written by the teacher? We have to trust their thirst to study and to reach a higher living standard.

The best way to control is a visit, by a friend or yourself.

You will not regret it !

Contacts in Europe:
Geaorge Kokas (Greece)                                 Attila Rieger (Hungary)
gkkokas@gmail.com                                       riegerattila@gmail.com

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