

Located in the Semien (North) Gondar Zone of Ethiopia, including Ras Dashen, the highest mountain peak of the country ( 4550 m).

photo by Benjamin B.
The scenery is absolutly spectacular and it is the home of very rare species of plants and animals including the famous baboons and wild goats appearing on all tourist broshures. They are there, I have seen them!

After discovering the frormer capital of Ethiopia Ghondar,  with its palaces and churches, I hired a jeep with  a driver to see this national park. The road was rugged, bumpy and dusty, 3 hours to go and
3 to come back. We spotted some Chineese road makers who , by now, have improved this road to make access for the tourists easier.

The last town before the park is DEBARQ where we had to pick up a tourist quide plus a security quard who carried a gun. We were told it was agins the occasional leopards in the mountains.
I wonder... Anyway, our walk was extremely pleasant . It feels like to be on top of the world , sort of OUT OF AFRICA experiemce, partly because of the elevation but  more because of the unique atmosphere of the place.

My guide was  extremely knowledgable and highly educated , had been a teacher of English in school, now studying social sciences. From him I learnt a lot about Ethiopia and we are still friends.

On my request he introduced me to three children who need some help. I list them in my next post!



bySolomon Sintayehu
 Age: 6
She is living with her Father who recently has got a TBC infection and is struggeling for his own health. Mother deserted them long ago.


Age: 9
He is a pupil of 3rd class, elementary school.


Age 10
Nati's brother, pupil of 4th class, elementary school.

Both boys are orphans, living by themselves and helped "by occasional donations from philanthropic tourists" as  the guide Solomon put it. Considering their situation they are not at all mournful, or
beggar-like. They behave like any other boys of their age, use their "donations" wisely, attend school  study well etc.

For these three children we have one person responsible, the guide himself:

Mr. Solomon Sintayehu in Debarq,

e mail: solo06_2006@yahoo.com